Your device needs good security from threats. If you have saved all your data on the system or web then you should use the device securely. If the malware or cybercriminal enters the system then your data may get compromised. You have to protect the system from threats and fix all the failed errors from the system.
SSL Handshake Failed error
SSL handshake failed error code appears on the screen when the server and browser can’t establish the connection. The error code occurs when the user has entered the wrong date or time on the client-side. You can also face this error due to incorrect browser configuration and some third-party issues. From the server-side, you can get this error code when there is a cipher mismatch.
Users can also get a handshake error when the client is using a protocol that is not supported by the server or when the certificate has expired. When you see this error code, you should check the system date and time. If the system time or date is incorrect then set it immediately.
Now go to your SSL certificate. You will see the expiration date on the SSL certificate. Check your SSL license. The user has to update the SSL certificate. When you get the error code; check the browser configuration. Open the browser and configure it to the latest SSL protocol.
Antivirus not opening
An antivirus is security software and one of the crucial programs of the system. When the antivirus is not working on the device then the user has to fix it. When you get a Norton antivirus update failed to complete the message; check the internet. You can get an antivirus update error when you have connected the system to an unreliable connection.
Update errors can appear when the disk space is low. A new update requires some amount of space on the system. If the program is unable to update then you should check the free space. When your space is low then delete all unnecessary files. Remove large-sized games and files like movies etc. After getting good space; your antivirus will get updated easily.
Now open the antivirus dashboard and run the scan. After scanning your device, you can use the system reliably.
Failed registry files
Program registry files are necessary for processing. When you get the registry files error then many functions of your program will stop working. The user has fixed all these failed registry files immediately. Whenever an error occurs on the program, check its registry files. Go running and open the command screen to run Regedit.
Go to the registry files of the corrupted program. Copy all its files and create a backup key. You have to save those files with the .reg extension. Now open corrupted files and edit them. If you can’t repair those registry files then ask for professional help.
Error code 5
You will get the system error code 5 on the screen when you are accessing a file. The user needs certain permission to open or make changes to the file. When you are trying to open a file but you are getting the error code then check the permissions. If you don’t have the permissions then contact the file admin and ask for certain permission. Once you receive the permission to write or edit the file then you can make changes on file without any error code.
System error code 126
Error code 126 is a registry key-related error. You get this error code when the registry key uses the wrong ODBC path. Check the driver for the path and use the correct path for the registry key. But many times users get this error message when some of their system files get corrupted. Your system files can face errors due to invalid path changes or malware infection. When you see the error message; restart the device.
If the user is getting error code 126 due to runtime error then reopening the system will fix it. You can also run the SFC/Scannow tool. Run this tool on the command screen and it will scan and fix the corrupted system files. If you are unable to resolve the error code 126 after using the system file checker tool then ask for help. Repairing these files manually can get users into other errors.