Shweta Tiwari won Bigg Boss Season 4, becoming the first woman to win the reality show. She also won a Rs 1 crore prize. The runner-ups were Ashmit Patel and The Great Khali. The final episode of Bigg Boss was full of colorful performances, including the song “Humka Peeni Hai” by Salman Khan. Veena Malik and Monal Gajjar danced to the popular tune “Sheila Ki Jawaani”.
Both Aari and Bala made emotional closing speeches. Aari told the judges that he has been through so many failures in his life, but he was lucky to get this chance. He wished that he had won because he played like he had nothing to lose. The other two finalists were Arya and Manoj, and they shared a special bond. In addition to being the winners of Bigg Boss, the other finalists were Sara Khan and Syed Sohel Ryan.
Winners Of Big Boss
Abijeet Duddala won the Bigg Boss Telugu season four. He won the show’s winner’s trophy and Rs 25 lakh prize money. Nagarjuna hosted the show, and it premiered on September 6. The other contestants included Surya Kiran, Ariyana Glory, and Syed Sohel Ryan. The winner of the show will receive a cheque for Rs 50 lakh.
The final results were announced and the final three were Balaji, Ashmit Patel, and Dolly Bindra. The winner was Aari. The remaining two finalists were Dolly Bindra, Somshekar, and Sara Khan. The last one standing will win immunity from eviction. It is difficult to predict which one will win. It’s a tough competition. Ultimately, the winner will earn the ultimate prize.
The show has been a huge success for Chiranjeevi, Sohel Ryan, and Ramya. The show’s winner, Aari, received Rs. 50 lakh, and was named the Bigg Boss Season 4 runner-up. But the runner-ups are still up to the final round. The public vote is the final determining whether a contestant is crown a winner.
The evictions of the season were shocking, especially for the finalists who were evicted for no apparent reason. It was a shock to many who had been evicted for weeks before, but their performances were still amazing. The contestants were able to impress the judges, but the public didn’t love them. The finale of Bigg Boss was a high point for all the contestants, and the audience was overwhelmingly happy.
The Bigg Boss finale was a big show for India. The show has become an international phenomenon and is a huge hit in the US. This year, the show is set in the USA, where the contestants must choose a name that represents them. Despite their age and race, the show has attracted a large audience worldwide. If you are a fan of the show, you can watch it online at the link below.
Big Boos Danced And Songs
Sohel won the Nominate Topple Task. The Bigg Boss contestants danced to Bollywood songs, such as “Chaliya Chaliya” and “Tashan”. TV actress Sara Khan performed the song “Udi Udi” from Guddu Bhaipura” in Week 5. The nomination process was suspended for Diwali celebrations, and Som was the next captain.
At the finale of Bigg Boss Season 4, the contestants performed Bollywood songs. The first runner-up was WWE superstar The Great Khali. The second runner-up was model-turned-actor Ashmit Patel. The fourth-placed housemate was the motormouth Dolly. Her straightforward attitude won over viewers’ hearts and her cash prize of Rs 1 crore. In the UK, the show featured Shweta Tiwari, a tv actor.
The season four finale of Bigg Boss featured fifteen new housemates. The show lastest 36 days and snowflake3 were crown the winner. However, the show had its own problems, including the fact that it had a telenovela format. The producers also had to deal with the complexities of the contestants’ personalities. Some of the contestants were not even allowed to leave the house for the last time.
At The End
On day 34, Abbas Kazmi’s fake eviction caused Veena and Sameer to leave the house. Both of them were evict. On day 41, Aanchal was the first person to be eliminate from the house. She was evict from the show due to her eviction. A few days later, Samir and Dolly were evict. Afterward, the two most popular contestants in the house were Veena and Rahul.